HANTEO Chart numbers are free for International fans! Tutorial on how to sign up on Hanteo to view your artists' realtime and total album sales!

Since the start of January 2019, Hanteo has announced that the viewing of album sales numbers (Daily, Monthly, Yearly and All Time) are now free and open to all Korean and international fans.

Below are the steps on registering an account on Hanteo for FREE to view album sales:

1) Go to http://www.hanteochart.com/#/ and click on "회원가입" on the right top of the page.

2) Press on the tick to service agreement before clicking 'Agree' below

3. Follow the instructions as below to fill in your information details

4) And you're done! It will take a while for them to process your account.

How to view Hanteo album sales (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)
1) On http://www.hanteochart.com/#/, click on "뮤직차트"

2) Click on "음반" to view album sales

3) View sales by "Realtime"/"Daily"/"Weekly"/'Monthly"/"Yearly"

For any questions, you can contact us as below on the chat box!


  1. what do i do with the personal security code?

  2. the refferal code keeps on denying ??!!

  3. i can't register with the birthdate. what is the correct birthdate then?

  4. i cant register the birthdate for some reason?? do you know what am i supposed to write there?

  5. How can I enter the referral code ?

  6. So what is the referral code?

  7. it doesnt sign me up after i finish, i cant log in either

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